Final Expense Insurance for Diabetics in 2024

Final Expense Life Insurance for Diabetics in 2024

Your Guide to Final Expense Life Insurance for Diabetics in 2024. Diabetes is a pre existing condition insurance companies take into consideration before agreeing to insure you. However, you can still qualify with no medical exam. Type 1 diabetics and type 2 diabetics are eligible for this coverage up to the age of 90. This article aims to explains how diabetes affects life insurance and how to obtain the best insurance for diabetics.

Final Expense Insurance for Diabetics in 2024

Final Expense Coverage Options for Diabetics: Cost and Considerations

Having diabetes changes how insurance companies see your application. Being upfront about having diabetes is important because life insurance rates vary for people with diabetes.

The rates depend on your prescription drugs and how well you control your diabetes. This can affect your type of coverage and out of pocket costs. Insurance companies have a set rate they charge based on age and rate class.

Understanding and Determining The Proper Rate Class for Diabetics

Rate class is broken down into several different categories.

Preferred/level- this rate class offers the highest coverage amounts and most affordable rates, it is day 1 coverage with no waiting period

Standard- this rate class offers day 1 coverage, slightly lower coverage amounts, and modestly higher rates than preferred or level

Graded- this offers similar coverage amounts as standard at a higher rate and pays out a percentage of the policy if death occurs in the first 2 year.

Guaranteed Issue/Acceptance- offers guaranteed acceptance with no medical questions, contains a 2 year waiting period with premiums plus 10% interest returned.

Insurance companies will ask several questions about diabetes to determine the rate class:

  • At what age were you diagnosed with diabetes?
  • Are you taking Insulin?
  • At what age did you first start taking insulin?
  • How many units of Insulin do you take daily?
  • Have you experienced any complications with diabetes, such as: diabetic neuropathy (nerves), nephropathy (kidney), insulin shock, diabetic coma, or had an amputation due to diabetic complications.
  • What was your most recent blood sugar level (A1C)?

Managing your diabetes effectively can help lower your insurance rates by allowing you to qualify for preferred and standard rate classes.

Insurance companies aren’t just concerned with diabetes when determining the rate class. Other factors they consider are your overall health, lifestyle such as nicotine and tobacco use, driving and criminal history.

Choosing the Right Life Insurance Company

Choosing the right insurance company is crucial for diabetics. There are hundreds of life insurance companies nationwide but when it comes to diabetes there are only a few that stand out. An experienced agent will ask the right questions and help you find a company that suits you the individual.

Life Insurance Companies For Diabetics

Final Expense Insurance for Diabetics in 2024

SBLI (The Savings Bank Mutual Life Insurance Company)- Best Value

  • A National Complaint Index score of 0.12 well below the average national average of 1.0
  • Instant Decision Application
  • Competitive rates
  • Policy in hand within 30 minutes of Applying
  • The Sequoia Funeral Concierge Plan
  • Founded in 1907 – Established and Secure
Final Expense Insurance for Diabetics in 2024


  • Immediate Coverage up to $50,000
  • Simplified Issues -No Medical Exam
  • Competitive rates
  • Decision Can Be Instant
  • Wide Range of Available Riders – Grandchildren’s Insurance Agreement, Terminal Illness, Accidental Death Benefit, Children’s Insurance Agreement, Nursing Home Waiver of Premium, and Confined Care
  • Founded in 1910-Well Established
Final Expense Insurance for Diabetics in 2024

Royal Neighbors of America – Competitive & Immediate Coverage for Common Conditions

  • Coverage amounts up to 40k
  • Competitive rates
  • Simplified Issue
  • Charitable Giving Rider- optional rider to leave to the death benefit to charity of your choice
  • offers immediate coverage to those with diabetesdiabetic neuropathy, COPD, atrial fibrillation (Afib), asthma, Home Health Care, hepatitis C and other common serious illnesses.
  • Established in 1895
Final Expense Insurance for Diabetics in 2024

CICA Life – Immediate coverage for very serious health conditions

  • Offers immediate coverage for those suffering from serious chronic conditions

such as: uncontrolled high blood pressure, uncontrolled diabetes, congestive heart failure (CHF), cardiomyopathy, end stage kidney disease, liver-disease, pacemaker/defibrillator implant, COPD, Paralysis,

Get Expert Advice

Diabetes and life insurance does not have to be complicated. Without a final expense professional it can be costly and result in your application getting declined.

Having the right agent will save you both time and money.

Protecting your loved ones from financial burden.

Call to speak with an experienced agent today 848-288-5968